Hi! I'm a 3D digital artist with experience in rigging and animation. I have also done some design, modeling and texturing.

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I have been studying at NHTV Breda International Game Architecture and Design since summer of 2015.
And currently looking for an internship.


Primary Rigging Animation Older Projects

Work In Progress . . . . Raptor - Rigging

Ragnarok - Rigging and Animation

Maya Python - Scripting

Meadow Folk - Rigging

Comprehensive Human Rig - Rigging

Thrasher - Rigging and Modeling

Escape to freedom- Animation

Global Game Jam 2018 - Character Rigging, Animation and Props

Motion Capture - Member of the team.

About Me

I am currently studying at Nhtv's international game architecture and design, following the international game architecture and design course. I have always been interested in art, bringing joy and entertainment to the people around me. Though I have a lot of appreciation for most art that you usually find in musea I have never been really interested in creating those hard to understand but beautiful to look at type of artifacts. I prefer to work on an easier accessible form of art found through games and movies for example. Which got me interested in this game development course. Though this course focuses on project based game development in team I am also very interested in working on movie or short animations. Currently I would love to get in internship either in a movie studio or a game studio working on games that require rigging and animation.



To get in touch you can simply send an email to: vanwinkel.myrthe@gmail.com

For my resume you can click here: Resume